Saturday, April 25, 2015

Child Abuse Awareness Poster

I chose to go with my first concept, and kept it fairly clean and simple. I used a photo of a child reflected in a broken mirror. This is symbolic of the child looking at their broken or shattered life. I also used a photo of some broken glass and added text to it. The text is for things that are taken away from a child when they are abused. They no longer have security, they lose hope, and a sense of joy and love in their lives. All of the broken glass is to show that you are not only hurting your child in that moment, but shattering their whole life -- present and future.

Here are links to the two photos I used:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Child Abuse Awareness Poster Sketches

The topic I chose for my awareness poster is child abuse. Child abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, or neglect. It can happen in the home, at school, at day care. People need to be aware of the signs of an abused child and speak up. No child should be hurt in any way.

My first concept is geared towards making parents and caregivers aware. They need to take a step back and think before they do something that can hurt a child. I wanted to show a little girl looking into a shattered mirror. Pieces of the mirror on the floor have words that represent things that are lost to the child once they have been abused. Making the viewer realize you are taking away their joy, their hope, and other happy things in their life.

My next concept is geared towards anyone. It is a simple statement to stop the abuse, whether that be stopping the act of abuse or stopping someone from abusing a child. I wanted to show a ripped up teddy bear with its stuffing falling out. I also put a stop sign for the word stop just because I feel like it is something we see all the time and would catch the eye of the viewer. I also included a ribbon (which would be blue because the child abuse awareness ribbon is blue).

My third concept is simply telling the viewer that children are defenseless and sometimes they need someone to defend them. I wanted to display boxing gloves with tiny baby/child hands. My original thought was a child cowering with his hands over his eyes, but his hands would have on boxing gloves. Well that was a bit much for my drawing ability so I stuck with the boxing gloves and a hand reaching for it. I also wanted to add in a crying eye mixed with blood for additional effect.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Photomontage (Part 2)

My fictional band, Coven, is a gothic female rock band, based out of Salem, MA. I was inspired by all things Salem. I was actually in Salem this week for a day so it really helped inspire me for this project. The first thing I started with was images of nature. I wanted to use a stormy ocean and foggy creepy forest. Then I wanted to incorporate some things you think of when you think of witches and the occult (the pentagram, candles, and the arm with snake & apple). I added in the guitar to show music was an element. The background image is a photograph I took a few years ago on a stormy day in Maine. From there I added in the other 7 images as layers. I worked with each layer until I was content with how it looked in the overall composition. I used my knowledge from the videos as well as watching a few other tutorials online.

Below are the links to the images I used in my photomontage.

This image was used for the background. I shot this image on a stormy spring day in 2013 on a beach in Cape Elizabeth, ME.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Photomontage (Part 1) - Sketching

My fictional band is called Coven. They are a gothic girl rock band. With the name Coven I wanted to portray a witchy feel so all of my sketches show that. I merely goggled witches and coven, and glanced through the images for inspiration. Once I had my head filled with witchy images I just let my fingers draw what popped into my mind. I played around with a logo for the band (as shown in both sketches).